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Community Voices – A Mixed-Methods Replication Study
Despite several decades of scholarship on the positive impacts of CE on undergraduate students and faculty, only recently have studies focused on community partners' perspectives, with even more limited research in rural communities.Learn More
Devised Theatre/Arts Curriculum
Students worked with local kids from Meadville to create theatre over several weeks.Learn More
Book Arts Exhibition at the Meadville Public Library
ART 545 students organized the exhibition, "Unbound: What's Your Story," and related educational programming featuring contemporary book arts.Learn More
4th Graders as Scientists
The 4th Graders as Scientists was a four-day event that took place in spring 2023. The program brought fourth graders from Crawford Central School District (CCSD) to Allegheny College to help them prepare for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exams (PSSAs) and to learn about STEM careers.Learn More
Immunity is Community Health Fair
On April 1, 2023, two Allegheny College professors (Dr. Ishita Sinha Roy and Dr. Becky Dawson) and various community partners (Crawford Health Improvement Coalition, Meadville Rotary, Meadville Medical Center and its affiliates) hosted the “Immunity is Community” health fair.Learn More